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As cannabis becomes more mainstream, there are many misconceptions about the industry. Cannabis businesses need to work hard to be seen as legitimate and trustworthy to gain customers’ trust. This is not an easy task, given the stigma surrounding marijuana use. It’s crucial for business owners who want their companies to thrive to ensure they avoid these publicity mistakes at all costs! Below are publicity mistakes cannabis businesses should avoid.


  1. Don’t Add Attachments to Your Emails

This is one of the publicity mistakes cannabis businesses should avoid. Email is a common way of customers and clients doing business, but some people try to get ahead through unethical means. When communicating with customers or clients via email, you should never include a file as an attachment unless the recipient expressly requests it. Email is not a secure form of communication, so if you send a client your proposal as an attached file, anyone could potentially open it. Not to mention email attachments are viewed as spam. If you’d like to communicate with a client via email, do so without an attachment and include links to your website or any other relevant information.


  1. Don’t Use Misleading Subject Lines

Subject lines are an essential part of email marketing. Misusing them is one of the publicity mistakes cannabis businesses should avoid because it affects how your emails are opened. If you misuse subject lines, the client or customer may not open them at all. That means they won’t be able to see the rest of your content, and you won’t be able to help them! To avoid this, make sure you use the right words in your subject line. It would help if you used words to get their attention and create curiosity. Make sure they are relevant to what’s in the email! If you aren’t confident with your skills in writing catchy subject lines, enlist the services of a professional writing service.


  1. Don’t Pitch Your Story to Someone Who Doesn’t Cover the Topic

Reporters are constantly looking for interesting stories to cover, but not all cover the same topic! It probably won’t be covered if you pitch your story to the wrong reporter. Instead, look at what reporters in your area have written about in the past. Find out which topics they covered and if they write anything about your topic. If you have a cannabis business and it’s legal in your area, the chances are that there is a reporter who covers local news. This may be a more suitable option for contacting a journalist. If this doesn’t seem to work out, try finding one online! Many online reporters use Twitter as their primary source of communication. They include their contact information in their bio so you can send them messages directly!


  1. Don’t Send Disorganized Emails

If you aren’t careful, this might be one of the publicity mistakes cannabis businesses should avoid. You have to be organized when communicating via email to clients or customers. When writing an email, follow a logical sequence and use a professional tone. Make sure all your content related to a specific topic is grouped together so the reader doesn’t have to dig through your email.



Scott Gelbard