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Strong company culture is an integral aspect of creating command among all employees and customers. It is the key to creating positive and long-term effects on anyone that feels it. In the end, the company enjoys successful operations necessary for withstanding harsh company shifts such as global crises and expansions. But what are some of the essential tricks to creating a solid company culture for a cannabis organization?


Make Culture Questions Part of The Hiring and Interview Process


As the company grows and the world evolves, employees leave, and new ones will be hired. Companies need a strong organizational culture to succeed during such instability. Solid and clear company culture is necessary for uniting the teams. Moreover, it is also helpful in identifying potential candidates capable of accepting the culture in place and making it stronger during the hiring process. The hiring officers should include several questions about company culture when vetting the candidates for different vacancies and interviewing the qualified candidates.


The vetting and hiring team learn more about the individual’s beliefs and values through the thought-provoking questions. Moreover, these questions also act as a platform to knowing how the candidate would behave in certain situations. The trick lies in incorporating questions that allow the candidate to share their journey rather than being right. It is possible to train an employee how to do a task right, but you can’t teach the same individual certain features, beliefs, or values that make up your workplace culture.


Be Part of The Walk


It is not enough to talk the team into behaving a certain way and exhibiting specific values, beliefs, and characteristics. You should be part of the walk and lead the way for them to follow. The top management should also put measures in place to acknowledge and recognize individuals who use the culture to accomplish their tasks and represent the company to the world.


The company culture is not the words written on the wall but how the employees and management behave and carry themselves. You should be part of the journey as you, together with the rest of the team, reflect the company via the company culture. The rest can only adhere to the culture if you are involved in every step of the process compared to staying aloof and telling them what to do.

Scott Gelbard